Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game in which two teams of five players compete to collectively destroy a large structure defended by the opposing team known as the "Ancient", whilst defending their own.
All Leagues
Early Registration Period until 4/25/22
All Registration Fees 30% off!
DOTA 2 Leagues
Our DOTA 2 leagues consist of an 8 week league schedule with matches scheduled and played at our sponsored location at Geeky Lounge in Pacific Beach. Teams with the best regular season record will advance to the playoffs and battle for the crown of County Champion and cash and other prizes!
Register as a full team (5 main and up to 2 alternates), as a free agent solo or free agent group. Free agent participation will depend on our ability to field a full team. FCFS for free agent teams. Entry fee is $100/main player and $50/alternates. To register, team captains should follow this link to provide registration info.
All weekly regular season matchups will be assigned prior to season start. Each weekly matchup will be scheduled between team captains and at least 3 players from each team must play from our sponsored location, Geeky Lounge in Pacific Beach.
Once all regular season games are played, we will assign and schedule playoff matches to be played on weekends at our sponsored location, Geeky Lounge.
Ties in playoff seeding will be determined by head to head records and/or overall league match scores(Overall map wins/loss records)
1. Participants compete in a weekly single game against their scheduled opponent.
2. Teams are allowed to compete in a tournament with the same roster they have at the time of registering for the tournament. Alternates must be provided when scheduling each weekly and playoff match.
3. Game Mode — 5v5 Captains Mode
4. All matches are played on a single map (Best of 1).
5. Tournament draw is done randomly by the system.
6. Every team can pause the game up to 10 minutes. The total number of pauses cannot exceed five per match. A team can keep the game paused for a longer period of time with the consent of the opponent.
7. Unpausing must be approved by both team captains and is regulated by the game referee.
8. All claims of violation of the rules are accepted for consideration within 10 minutes after the game. If there are no claims after the specified time, the result of the match can no longer be changed. It is highly recommended to keep screenshots of all complaints, violations, misbehaviours, and match results until the end of the tournament.
9. Technical defeats are issued only after a Judge approves.